Every year, Congress authorizes and appropriates additional funding to ensure our training is covered for the coming year. In Fiscal Year 2022, the entire 13,000-member Naval Sea Cadet Corps will probably receive just $1.7M in federal funds, but the Sea Cadet Legislative Affairs team will be requesting additional $4.3M in funding through an authorizations and appropriations request. As budget negotiators make a final decision, you can write your senators and representative to ask for their help in ensuring the Sea Cadets receive the additional $4.3M in funding. Additionally, this year we are asking for Bill Language to modify 32 U.S. Code § 508 – Assistance for certain youth and charitable organizations to allow for National Guard support of the Sea Cadets on National Guard bases as offered to other youth programs.
1. Find your Senator or Representative by clicking here and typing in your address.
2. Send your Senator or Representative a message through Democracy IO or mail it directly to them. You can write your own letter or customize the
template below.
SUBJ: U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps Funding for Fiscal Year 2022
Dear Representative/Senator ________,
I’m _________, a League/Sea Cadet in your District/State, and I attend ________ School where I’m in the ___ th grade. I want to quickly write you about a funding issue before Congress this month. As you know, the Sea Cadet program is a great organization, and I’ve learned a lot about _______ over the past several years. The Sea Cadet program has made me a better person and has given me great exposure to the sea services and life-changing leadership experiences. I’ve really grown as a person while serving with the Sea Cadets.
Every year, Congress authorizes and appropriates additional funding to ensure our training is covered for the coming year. This year, the entire 13,000-member Naval Sea Cadet Corps will be receiving just $1.7M in federal funds, but there is an additional Defense Authorization and Appropriations request that is being submitted to members’ offices that needs your support. As your budget negotiators make a final decision, I’m hopeful that your office could help ensure the additional $4.3M in funding is authorized and appropriated and the Sea Cadets receive a total of $6.0M in Department of the Navy funding in FY22 for our training. If your staff has any questions about this funding, they can contact our Government Affairs staff member, Mr. Doug Denneny, at (703) 915-0582 or at ceo@coaspire.com.
Our legislative team is also requesting a change to the law to allow the National Guard to support our training on their bases like they do for other youth programs. If your staff has any questions about this funding or that bill language, they can contact our Government Affairs staff member, Mr. Doug Denneny, at (703) 915-0582 or at ceo@coaspire.com.
Thank you very much,
[Full Name, Hometown]
Thank you for your support!
Current Members of the Military Youth Programs Caucus:
- Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) – Co-Chair
- Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) – Co-Chair
- Rep. Kenneth Calvert (R-CA)
- Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA)
- Rep. Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA)
- Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC)
- Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ)
- Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ)
- Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA)
- Delegate Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen (R-American Samoa)
- Rep. Steve Stivers (R-OH)
The U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps is the only congressionally chartered, military-oriented youth program where the participants (cadets and volunteers) are responsible for paying many of the program expenses out-of-pocket.
The USNSCC needs funding from the Department of the Navy in their O&M account in order to “buy down” the individual’s training costs to a reasonable amount. At our request, our Navy sponsor, Navy Recruiting Command, inputs approximately $1.7M into the President’s Budget request every year and the USNSCC Legislative Affairs team advocates for additional funding on top of the $1.7M amount. Only through ongoing congressional support, via additional funds that vary every year, are we able to maintain this program.
Congress has supported the program through additional funding beyond the Navy-programmed funding level in subsequent legislation and will be requesting an addition of $4.3M in FY22 for a total appropriated amount of $6.0M.
Full Requirement: $6.0M
Total Federal Grant: Not yet determined by Congress.
Navy Budget Request: $1.70M
USNSCC Authorization and Appropriations Congressional Add Request: $4.3M
The U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps (USNSCC) was chartered by Congress in 1962 and has trained over 175,000 young Americans since its inception. The Sea Cadets are the only congressionally chartered, military-oriented youth program where the participants (cadets and adult volunteers) are responsible for paying many of the program expenses out-of-pocket.
The USNSCC excels at developing the U.S. Navy’s and other services future leaders, as reflected by consistently providing a source of quality Sailors and Officers to the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, National Guard and other services. The USNSCC directly enhances the Navy’s primary recruiting goal of ensuring awareness of the Navy and its mission. In 2019, the U.S. Navy Recruiting Command confirmed by matching names and social security numbers, that 45% of the Sea Cadets graduating out of the program as High School seniors joined the United States Navy. In 2018, 128 Sea Cadets reported they were entering the US Naval Academy. Through self-reporting, another 20% of Seniors join another service every year.
The USNSCC is a non-school based program reaching a wide age range of students, ages 11-17, with a bulk of the program costs falling on cadet families. The Sea Cadets are funded by the Navy at a fraction of the cost per student compared to NJROTC ($1.7M versus $56.3M). The USNSCC promotes interest and skill in seamanship and aviation, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Units and Navy, Coast Guard, Marine Corps and National Guard partners also provide training in special forces, security, cybersecurity, diving and conduct military skill competitions. USNSCC instills qualities that mold strong moral character in an alcohol-free, drug-free and gang-free environment.
The USNSCC is a non-profit organization and 91% of all funds directly support training program expenses. Prior to sequestration, many of the training costs like housing cadets on Navy bases in barracks during training sessions was covered by local commanders. Downward financial pressure on the Navy has now forced them to pass many of those overhead expenses on the Sea Cadets. Funds would help reduce high costs to cadets and their families, and help retain them, train them, and increase their likelihood for future service.
FY22 Congressional Action/Support/Recommendation: Additional $4.3M in funding in the FY22 in the Defense Appropriations and Authorizations bills as a competitive add to the PBR of $1.7M to Navy O&M BA3 1804N, Line 400 3C1L Recruiting and Advertising. And Bill Language to allow for National Guard support of the Sea Cadets on National Guard bases as offered to other youth programs.
Recommended Bill Language:
Section 508(d) of title 32, United States Code, is amended—
(1) by redesignating paragraph (14) as paragraph (15); and
(2) by inserting after paragraph (13) the following new paragraph (14):
“(14) The United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps.”
Recommended Report Language:
U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps. The committee is aware the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps provides exceptional training and educational experiences to students ages 11-17 throughout the country, promoting skills in seamanship, aviation, science, technology and mathematics (STEM). The Sea Cadets are also an excellent source for recruiting young Americans into the Navy and the other services.
The Navy Recruiting Command confirmed recently that 45% of the Sea Cadets graduating out of the program as High School seniors joined the United States Navy, and through self- reporting, approximately another 20% of seniors join another service every year. The Sea Cadets need to be funded to maintain the training opportunities a total of $6.0M every year in the Navy budget to ensure this program will continue to train over 8,600 young Americans every year in 46 states, DC,Guam and Puerto Rico. Additionally, many Sea Cadet Units train on National Guard bases, and 32 U.S.
Code § 508 – Assistance for certain youth and charitable organizations needs to be amended to allow the inclusion of Sea Cadets as an approved youth organization authorized to receive assistance from the National Guard. The committee recommends the passing of the bill language and adding $4.3M to the budget request of $1.7M to ensure training for Sea Cadets continues in FY22.
2300 Wilson Blvd, Suite 200
Arlington, VA 22201
The mission of the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps is to build leaders of character by imbuing in our cadets the highest ideals of honor, respect, commitment, and service.
© 2023 Naval Sea Cadet Corps, TM & ® 36 USC 154106
The U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 52-0808385